
Ràdio Associa't 2022

The Mercè festivity is almost here, and this year, the XRCB joins the Associa’t 2022 celebration, organised by Torre Jussana, the service center for associations, a municipal facility that works to offer resources to the city’s associations. XRCB and Torre Jussana co-produce Ràdio Associa’t a radiophonic celebration which will take place the 24th and 25th of September, and will count on the participation of several associative radio stations from Barcelona, that will be broadcasted from Ràdio Rambles.

Stations like Boca Ràdio, Ràdio Hostafrancs and Ràdio Farró and Ràdio Rambles shows like Tudanzas, Sons de Festes and Fedelatina have already confirmed their participation.

In the following days the rest of the program will be confirmed on our social channels and website. Stay tuned and see you at Ràdio Associa’t!